Tuesday 13 July 2010

The Adventurer

Hi, My name is Paul Chew and I'm an adventurer, or it is how I was described and introduced in South Africa where I now live. Follow the link to see previous adventures


It is my intention over the next few weeks to correlate my adventures new and old, together with my thoughts and training during my stay in London.

I met with a friend (Nick) on Thursday evening and during numerous beers, rums and an introduction to jagermister bombers (jagermister in red bull, apparently there is a parachute - jagermister, tequila, and red bull - which did not appeal to me, but then again thank god for the last train or who knows what could have happened) he told me he had entered a triathlon in September. We met in London City on Moorgate in a very nice pub which used to a local of Nick's to watch his girl friend take part in the Standard Chartered Bank 5km city run.
Now Nick is quite a big lad, only guessing 6' 4"and 18st, and in his younger day represented Lancashire at rugby league U18 level, his fitness levels have fluctuated greatly. So it was impressive to hear him say he and his girl friend were in training for an Olympic triathlon.
For the uninitiated a Olympic triathlon consist of a 1,500m swim a 40km cycle and a 10km run.
He took up cycling around a year ago and on Saturday will be taking part in a 75 mile race in Essex, so we can assume that 40km will be easy for him, with cycling comes certain level of fitness and while I am unable to run (3 screws in my left knee - old rugby injury) he will be able to lug his 18st around the 10km course. His problem being he has not swam apart from beach holidays since school. Still he thought its only a mile "how hard can it be?"
Nick's first effort (and I should say here that it has been his only effort to date) was not too successful. His memories of swimming as a youth and 40 length warm ups prior to training session 20yrs ago let him believe he would dive straight in and with a bit of muscle and a bit of determination he would get back to powering up the pool although a bit slower in his first session. Not the way with swimming.
While you are able to run without training this is because running is only fast walking and we all continue to walk on a daily basis. Not so with swimming, if you don't swim you don't use those muscles and they go to waste. Speaking from experience (2008 I got back in the water for the first time in 35yrs expecting much the same as Nick, upon completion of the first 100mts I had to get out of the water as I was nearly physically ill - not very nice in the swimming pool) I know how difficult it is to start from scratch again.
So where is this going I hear you ask? Well as it happens, on the tube on my way to meet Nick I picked up a magazine left upon the a seat on the train, do you believe in fate? In the pages of this magazine I found an advert for the London Triathlon "The City vs Canary Wharf" which is a relay event (one swims, one cycles, and one runs). I took this with me thinking I could talk Nick into competing with me, I do the swim, he does the cycle and we find another mug, sorry friend who would be willing to run. This is a sprint event so its a 750mt swim, 20km cycle and a 5km run.
I always find that people are much more inclined to say yes after a few beers (come on boys and girls I don't have to explain that one).
Now what conspired was Nick would do the swim as a warm up to his single effort in the triathlon I would do the cycling and Nick's girl friend would complete the run. Great a 20km bike ride is just a warm up for the Adventurer, yes that is true. However under the influence of warm company and maybe theodd jagermister I have promised to train and keep Nick company in the cold waters of Tooting Beck Lilo. Its a 100yd out door swimming pool and yes it is v v cold.
As I said previously people are much more inclined to say yes after a few beers, however maybe at my age I should of learnt by now!

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